Just a reminder that May is the month that bowel screening test kits are available in AU. The kits are available from most chemists for $8. It takes 3 days to do the test and the kits have to be back by June 14. I have no history of BC but I am doing it. I watched my wife of 40 yrs die from this good for nothing disease a couple of days before last Christmas, she also had no family history, and when it was found it had already set up inoperable lesions in her liver. Our twin sons 30, unfortunately, in the worst possible way now have a close family relative with a history of BC, and they are doing the test and hopefully every year from now on. One of their primary school mates,was dx with BC at age 28, It also was straight to palliative, at 28, difficult to comprehend, his funeral was 18 Feb just gone, age 30. This insidious disease does not discriminate, has no compassion and is straight from Hell. As the advert says "Get it before it gets you". Take care. wombat4
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