My husband was diagnosed with non hodgkins lymphoma in September. He has now had five cycles of R-CHOP chemotherapy and we have just been told that after cycle six he will have another two cycles of a different  type of chemo before the planned BEAM chemo and autologous stem cell transplant.  We have also been told that with the type of lymphoma (double expressor diffuse B cell) that the survival rate will not change with the transplant.  As you can probably imagine, I am finding all of this very confusing and confronting, and am hoping that someone who has had the same condition might be able give me some insight as to what to expect (good and bad - please don't sugar coat it) and reasons why you chose the treatment you did.

Regular Visitor

Hi Jacqueline8,

My husband also has DEL DLBCL. I don’t have as much experience with this as you do. My husband was diagnosed in November and has just finished his 3rd cycle of R-CHOP. So, I don’t know that I can share anything you don’t already know. But maybe it’s just nice to know there is someone else out there! He will get a scan soon, before his 4th cycle. I guess that will let us see how the treatment is working and if we need to alter the treatment plan. Although from what our doctors have told us, the approach is no different now that we know he is DEL. The DEL part is scary. The more I read about it, the more anxious I become. I’m curious to know more about the BEAM chemo and stem cell transplant. No one has mentioned that to us. Wishing you are your husband much hope!

Super Contributor


You day there’s no such thing as cancer, but then you say that you get skin cancers all the time. Please make up your mind. 



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