This is my first time here - actually wasn't sure if this was going to be something that I was going to do. But feeling a bit lost today. So, where do we start? Ok so it's week two of my 6 week treatment for Stage 4 Cervical Cancer. Stage 4 as this is a cheeky little 1 cm bugger escaped and spread to a lymph node up near my right kidney but hasn't spread to any another major organs. My initial prognosis was stage 2b2 so that's what I tell people not to scare them. In fact "telling" people seems to be the hardest part of this journey so far for me. Taking one day at a time the first week of treatment was scary, and threw me around a bit but by the weekend I find like the "old" of about 5 months ago before this whole journey started. It started when we collectively decided as a family to take an overseas adventure and post to a third world country for 3 years.. so seeing as the health facilities weren't going to be up to Australian standards it was best to get everything checked out. Several tests, teeth done, everyone's immunised, husband had the chop and the final hurdle and then hello something isn't right. At first I was told it was fibroids, so I went to a the Gyno and she said it had to be more than that. And 2 weeks after that, cervical cancer, no overseas adventure, just an adventure of another kind ...