Hi There, It's been wonderful witnessing the conversations that have been evolving on this site over the past few months! Thank you all, for being couragous enough to "put it out there" - and also to the many who have provided support and empathy in response. I thought I might just let some of our newer members know about one of our groups, which you might find helpful - the expressive writing group. This is a space for people who find it helpful to "process" their cancer experience, using expressive writing (eg poetry, stories etc). Of course these types of entries are very welcome in the general blogs - but sometimes people find it useful to be able to develop some of these thoughts in a little more depth, and the group is a very supportive place to do this. If you're interested in joining this group, you can just navigate to the groups page (http://www.cancerconnections.com.au/og) and click on the "request membership" link beside the expressive writing group (it's about half way down the page). Or feel free to send me a private message if you'd like to know more about the group. Cheers, Kate (Telephone & Internet Support Group Coordinator, Cancer Council Victoria)
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