Hi all This site is one I have found extremely useful over the two and a half years I've (needed to be) interested in pathology tests. I can't remember how I found it, but I do know it wasn't via my hospital and medical team. They are great supporters and very good at what they do and lots of us know we have to go the extra mile on our own for some things. It's worth a look: http://www.labtestsonline.org.au/index.html You can enter the codes for any component of any test and it will give you the background, rationale and related tests and links. It's been developed by a pathology industry association and has received support from Australian government as a consumer service. I haven't seen it referred to on this site, so I thought I'd let you know about it. I started to feel a bit more in control once I knew I could go to the site and find out about things I wanted to know about - in my own time, not under pressure across the desk from the sp...you know what I mean. H. PS. The author does not hold shares in Dorevitch, Gribbles, Melbourne Pathology or any other pathology firm, worse luck. He just contributes to their profits out of the kindness of his heart.
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Great site harker. Very easy to understand but I still hating reading the stats about bowel cancer being the second biggest killer. I have to constantly tell myself that mine was detected early enough. 2 years down, 3 to go!! Samex
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