It came as a shock, then as a bit of confusion - I get the connection, some cancers are more "socially acceptable" I suppose, but SEXY??? I just keep remembering when my hair started falling out and I was having a particularly "up chuck" day - so there I was in hospital, connected to the chemo pump, going bald and my boyfriend (who later decided it was too much after all) holding the cardboard emesis basin under my chin for 3 hours!! Whoa - sexy stuff huh?? There is a website I know of that may be of interest to some: In my view, cancer is cancer, whether it invades your breast, your anus or your blood, but I do agree that some are given more thought and acceptance than others and I think it's disappointing.
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I agree with you, I didn't find my cancer particularly sexy either. Experiencing any form of cancer is a difficult and a life-changing event, raising awareness of cancer is what is important. Talking about cancer, in my experience, can save lives. So I'm all for discussion on this website, which leads to knowledge! but still, I dont feel that any cancer is sexy!
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Maybe sexy was the wrong word. I'm really sorry if I caused any offence. Maybe "prominent" is more apt or "more readily discussed". Again, really sorry to cause offence - I genuinely didn't mean it that way and perhaps I was being too flippant- sometimes a trait that allows me to deal with this crap. I agree any cancer is awful at any age and of any type. Tomorrow I attend my third funeral in 4 years. S
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G'day Folks, I don't think that I used the term "sexy cancer", but if I did I don't apologise. No cancer is sexy in one use of the term. The side effects of cancer are anything but sexy. and there are cases of men out there who have committed suicide because of the side effects of cancer on their sexuality. But "sexy" in the sense that they get a lot of attention, then there are some sexy cancers. There have been studies on the media attention to certain cancers and one in particular does get far more than it's incidence or mortality would warrant. I am in no way suggesting that resources should be taken away from those cancers that appear to get their fair share of resources and attention, it would just be nice of some of the other cancers had their level of resources sharing lifted a bit. Regards Sailor The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach - waiting for a gift from the sea. Anne Morrow Lindbergh
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Occasional Contributor
There is no way that cancer is 'sexy' - but the marketing people involved with Breast Cancer fundraising make a 'sexy' thing to be involved with. Look at all the celebs that want to be associated with it. I mentioned this to someone this morning and their first reaction was that the marketing of Breast Cancer is 'sexy' I hear exactly what you are saying and there would not be a Cancer on this planet that could be construed as 'sexy'. Better do some work now. Kym
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Samex, I could feel that you were quite upset… please know, that from my point of view…. all that occurred was a healthy discussion. I notice Kym replied, that he had commented to someone and the person’s reaction was “marketing of breast cancer is sexy”. That’s good… cancer was being discussed… communication increases awareness about cancer. We all have our own experiences with cancer and being able to express our concerns and feelings on this website enables us to have a relief valve. And we all need that! BTW, I recently received an email “praying for a cure for cancer” which showed various coloured ribbons for cancers. Dark Blue Ribbon: Colon Cancer Light Blue Ribbon: Prostrate Cancer White Ribbon: Lung Cancer Pink Ribbon: Breast Cancer Black Ribbon: Melanoma Grey Ribbon: Brain Cancer There were a total of 16 coloured ribbons but I don’t know if they were official colours for cancer or whether the colours were created by the person sending the email. I would like to think that the ribbon colours are genuine and that all types of cancer could be recognised. Keep well. Reindeer xxoo
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Hi all, Im not sure how this conversation started but I thought I would comment on Kris Carr, the author of 'crazysexycancer'. I'm glad artistinrecovery posted this link, I actually meant to post it here some months ago. Kris Carr is an inspiring woman in her mid 30's who was diagnosed with incurable cancer in her liver and lungs. She is raising awareness for the fact that cancer patients can truely live life to the full by loving themselves, taking control and enjoying the simple things in life. Here is an exert from the site: is a supercharged health hub filled with compassion, knowledge, and an anything-is-possible spirit. Our righteous mission is to bring together amazing resources and cutting edge experts in one easy to navigate hot spot. She has written multiple books and a movie. Her story of survival is truely amazing. She is not implying that cancer is sexy, just that cancer patients can live life in a sexy way, by being happy and nourishing the soul. If anyone has not seen the movie, it is definitely worth it.
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Thanks Reindeer. Dark blue is much more attractive than brown too! I like that idea. S
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