What bought me here? My 34 year old husband was diagnosed with a grade 2 Astrocytoma brain tumour March this year, one week after I gave birth to my second beautiful daughter. We have 2 girls, 6 months & 3 years old. He has always had a "unsteady hand", this has progressively got worse as he got older, so he saw a neurologist who thought it was a basic "essential tremor" but sent him for a MRI just in case. This MRI found our terrible life changing news- A tumour that is the size of a golf ball & is in a terrible spot- right next to the thalamus & is growing down the brain stem. So began the whirlwind of doctors visits, & the news that he could no longer work or drive. My husband, who worked away on the mines was now home, & had very limited independence. After more MRI's including tracking, a biopsy was done & the neurosurgeon decided that operating is almost completely out of the question without causing serious side effects (loss of speech, movement etc) We then saw an oncologist & he & the neurosurgeon decided with us to choose to see how it went as they think it has been growing since he was young, other than having a brain biopsy done a month after diagnosis. Unfortunately, 6 months later- in the last month his symptoms have increased, therefore forcing us to take action, & start radiation in 2 weeks time. I go through good & bad days like everyone, the bad days tend to coincide with his bad days- his days of intense rage & anger- which is super scary for me & especially for our 3 year old. His tremor in his hand has increased so much that it shakes all night long- sometimes keeping me awake for hours.
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Super Contributor
I wish to say how sorry I am that you,your husband and your children are going through this .It must be extremely frightening ,not knowing the future . I hope the radiation is successful and that your lives will be less stressful so you can enjoy your children and they won't have to suffer any effects of the emotional upheaval . Your husband's anger may come from fear ,frustration and sadness.
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