Today I spoke to my doctor... she can't get me into surgery for them to put in my 'port' until the 20th of February. I was diagnosed with the secondary cancer almost a month ago, it's in my lungs, my chest, my abdomen. I still can't believe I have to wait so long for everything. You'd think once they'd made a cancer diagnosis being quick would be their first priority..but no, I've never experienced such long waiting times in my life. The doctor even said sorry to me and told me that she would've liked my treatment to start a lot sooner... It makes no sense to me. Not much makes sense anymore.
Its not good Brooke that you are waiting so long to start treatment. It just increases the anxiety. I sincerely hope it works out well for you. wombat4
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This is what we have done because we did not want to wait. 1. We have shortlisted top 5 surgeons after a thorough research. 2. We have made appointments with every one of them. 3. We went to see No. 5 on the list first. (waiting period 12 days) 4. We went to see No. 1 next (waiting period 6 days) 5. We booked it in with No. 1 immediately after he said he would be available in 6 days. 6. Done. Why would you limit yourself to one doctor?
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Im sorry to see your waiting so long Brooke for your treatment. I know how you feel, I sat around for a good 4 weeks with a growing tumour on my lymph node just waiting for it to burst thru my skin. (It was starting to protrude thru the skin when I finally had my op) You feel like a ticking time bomb, and yet you have nothing to do but wait, I know exactly how you feel, I hope that you get your treatment ASAP. I know my oncologist for Radio has been incredible in getting my treatment underway quicker than Id probably like! Good luck with it, Im sure you will be ok. Hang in there girl! Leesa
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Hi Brooke Have you asked can you start chemo through the normal vein access while waiting for the port? Make sure it's a Power Port that can be used for bloods, CT contrasts etc. With cancer that has spread, if the treatment works you could have all the mets disappear over the next few months. There are many different combinations to be tried and a few extra weeks waiting will have little effect overall. With love Joy K
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Thanks Joy, they just rang me up today and we're starting chemo through normal vein access next Wednesday!! It's such a long day! 8.30 in the morning to 6.00 in the evening!! Better find a good book!
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Brooke I hope your wait stress will be small if the chemo helps. Hope all goes quickly. Thoughts are with you xxoo Stitch
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