One year ago they diagnosed my mother with Adenocarcinoma of the lung. They said "In one Year it will catch up to you". Not sure exactly what they meant, however after some ups and downs, new adjustments and metastasized to the brain, all in all she is going well and still strong. Im am very happy and very proud of her strong spirit. I don't know what the future will bring, and I know we have rough times and good times, but I just pray and hope she will be here for allot longer!
Occasional Contributor
Such an inspiration how to get on with the diseases 🙂 some people are just born fighters and I wish you both a long, long and happy and healthy life! Cheers Vlasta
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Super Contributor
Perhaps the metasTesis to your mum's brain was a possibility the doctor was considering a year ago when he made that comment . Are they able to treat this ? You both sound as though you are coping well .
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New Contributor
Hi Vlasta- thank you for your kind words,she certainly is a fighter and an amazingly strong women.
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New Contributor
Hi Silly, when they initially diagnosed mum one year ago with the cancer being so advanced, they said she could have combination treatment which would give her about another 4 months. Mum decided not to have any treatment as she felt it did not weigh up. Now that its in the brain they said they could look into radiation to control the symptoms, but it would knock her brain around so to speak and it would take a few months for her brain to fully recover.Again she decided not to have any treatment. Its quiet scary thinking about the future, and what it could bring, I try not to think about it too much. Try to deal day by day, it amazes me how each day she can be soo different, one day busy pottering around the garden and painting, next day unable to move. I can only hope for when the time comes, for everything to be as peaceful as possible.
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