Today I had a job trial, as a Barista. This was my 6th job interview I've had since needing to return to work. The first 5 didn't end that well after I had to explain what I have been doing for the last year. So far telling potential employees that 'I have had health issues but am fine now' doesn't seem to be the correct way to get paid employment. 6th interview I decided not to say anything and it worked, sort of. I used to be so quick with my thought processes. Things would be natural and I could have a million thoughts running through my mind working on the next thing. Now my mind seems so slow and the task of deciding which cup to put under the machine was a problem. Maybe being a Barista isn't the job for me. Not a super busy cafe anyway. Sometimes I wish money didn't run out once it was earned. My husband and I had a nice nest egg and we were working hard to accumulate and save to buy our first piece of property. With me not working for the year and my hubby's job commission based that egg is nearly gone. I'm thinking of talking with centre link to see if they can help me find a job suitable where I don't need to lie about my current circumstances. I will find work in the next fortnight. That is my goal and I need you all to hold me accountable to it. Cheers Katie
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