Hi, this is my first blog, I've been reading through other blogs and I have to say that I am really touched by the support here. My dad has refractory prostate cancer, he's had the cancer for 17 years (he is 72) & it was always controlled (radiation then hormone therapy) but now the silly thing has decided to have a spurt and has pooled up in a lymph node in his abdomen so my dear father is going through chemo. The cancer has never bothered him, scan after scan revealed nothing but the abnormal cells were identified and were controlled for years - until now. This is the first time that the cancer has started to allocate itself so the scary ride has begun for all of us. My biggest worry is that the chemo will not shrink the collection & that it will move along and spread. I have never been in this situation, it is so scary & I feel like I just want to burst into tears every time I see my dad but I know I can't. I have my good days & my bad days, I go into depression for a week then feel good the next. I find that others that have not been through the cancer experience don't understand and I don't blame them at all, I feel comfort speaking to others that have been there. Comments, feedback, support all welcome.
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