Living with an angel

Occasional Contributor

Living with an angel

Good morning everyone. 

Thank you kate for the tag in how are you going? 

Well things have changed a lot for my partner Stephen. He went through two rounds of chemo but the third round he got too sick it was a very aggressive round of chemo therapy apparently one of the strongest. During the pancreatic cancer chemo cancer treatment he ended up with a blocked bowel, ended up in hospital and had a tube put through his nose to his stomach which drained his stomach. Went from eating solid food to eating broth. Stephen then ended up over in pallitive care at Wauchope hospital, a lovely place to go and he was happy there with the care of a wonderful team of drs and nurses and everone else who works there. They are all such a wonderful and careing team. During his short stay a couple of weeks, Stephen had his draining tube removed, slowly ended up back on solid foods and now is back home again. It has been so good to have him home again. We have last week recieved a visit from the the pallitive care home help team and now have a wheel chair for him. He is so happy being home. We took him for a trip a to one of his favourite places on saturday, South West Rocks, Smokey Cape Lighthouse. It was amazing just to be able to get Stephen out and about so good he was very tired but really enjoyed it making more memories with his family, his only sibling, his sister Sue and his three wonderful children. His son also took him the day he got his wheelchair to bunnings another of his favourite places. Stephen is very tired these days at the moment and it's a day by day thing now. 

Super Contributor

Re: Living with an angel

Hi Angel 1

Sorry to read that Stephens chemo treatment was so aggressive that his body couldn’t cope,and was hospitalised,it’s good he is back home again with you,it would have been so lovely to take him to a favourite place and making good memories for all,sad that it is a day by day thing now,but he is home where he obviously is loved and needs to be at this time with his family.


Sometimes a small trip to Bunnings can bring such joy ,when I am there I keep my hands in my pockets or who knows what I will take home.

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