21 yr old niece diagnosed with brain tumour

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21 yr old niece diagnosed with brain tumour

My 21 year old niece has been diagnosed with a brain tumour. Biopsy next week but they think it’s a glioma. She has lost vision and has had her licence taken which resulted in her being unable to work so she lost her job. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment to start in the New Year. 
Our family are devastated.  We all feel so helpless. How do we look after ourselves so we can be strong for her? This is all so fucked. 😢

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Re: 21 yr old niece diagnosed with brain tumour

Hi Butterfly76, what devastating news for you all😢. So very sorry! All I can suggest is that you cry together so you can stay strong for her. Somehow you’ve got to let the anger and grief out! Love and prayers to you. 🙏💕 Linda G

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Re: 21 yr old niece diagnosed with brain tumour

Thank you Linda. It’s certainly a time with many emotions. ❤️

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