Advice from other carers


Re: Advice from other carers

Hi Janey, I hear what you say. I cared for my husband prior to him losing his battle to cancer. I was in disbelief the majority of the time, feeling numb, anger, frustration, compassion, horror and of course total denial. Friends disappeared, never to return (other than for the funeral). Use this site and til you don't want to talk any more. Love, live and hold every moment close. Life is so very brief and the time is so very fleeting. Hold close the love you have and for those that say you are whining or whatever - leave them - they aren't walking a mile in your shoes. Janey - you and your loved ones are in my prayers and thoughts. 2 1/2 years on and it feels like a lifetime and just yesterday all at the same time. x
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Re: Advice from other carers

Hi, myself and my two sisters are in a similar situation. My mother was diagnosed with bowel cancer. Has had numerous surgeries. In 2014 it metastasised to her lung. Which was operated on. Now, another mass in bowel and lung and also spot on liver, surgery is no longer an option. She is now in end stages. Very hard to watch and manage. Between hospital trips for blood transfusions etc and pain management. And looking after our own children, and also working.. It's getting very mentally exhausting. Every hospital trip we do, it feels like it will be the last. Very hard... In some ways, I just wish she would pass quickly, or in her sleep... It's so cruel to see someone you love going through this day in day out.
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Re: Advice from other carers

Hi, myself and my two sisters are in a similar situation. My mother was diagnosed with bowel cancer. Has had numerous surgeries. In 2014 it metastasised to her lung. Which was operated on. Now, another mass in bowel and lung and also spot on liver, surgery is no longer an option. She is now in end stages. Very hard to watch and manage. Between hospital trips for blood transfusions etc and pain management. And looking after our own children, and also working.. It's getting very mentally exhausting. Every hospital trip we do, it feels like it will be the last. Very hard... In some ways, I just wish she would pass quickly, or in her sleep... It's so cruel to see someone you love going through this day in day out.
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