Do you ever get used to bad news? & Fear

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Do you ever get used to bad news? & Fear

Hi, I hope I'm in the right forum if not please redirect me I'm still new! Anyway my boyfriend with Hodgekins Lymphoma (2 years post BMT) just got some results on his latest clinical trial and they were quite mixed. The smaller nodes or growths have remained stable but the main mass is still quite large and very, very slowly progressing. He has exhausted all chemo options however the doctor wants to try radiation. This will be the second course of radiation he's had in his 6 year fight. I was just wondering if you ever stop getting let down by bad results? I do know it could be quite a lot worse and we're lucky but do you ever get used to hearing sad news? Do you lose your blind optimism? I really don't want him to leave and the thought of him going anywhere breaks my heart. Does anyone have any good coping strategies for this type of fear? Thank you all X 🙂
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Re: Do you ever get used to bad news? & Fear

Hi Jenny, I haven't got much advice for you, but I just wanted to say 'hi', and you're definitely in the right place. The only advice I can give is a cliche' 'one day at a time' (or even 1 hour, if 1 whole day seems a bit daunting.). Don't try to do or deal with everything at once, just look at what is right in front of you, and deal with that. Sending big hugs, Emily
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