End of life stage 4 cancer my dad

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End of life stage 4 cancer my dad

Seeking advice , my dad has been fighting stage 3 lung cancer since November 2022. He has had chemo and radiation and was told 3 months ago from ct scan that his tumor was practically in remission. He had 8 hospital admissions during the treatment though it's was really hard and he is late 70s with heart problems too.


He started immunotherapy immediately and now 3 months later had bad pain he thought was sciatica. He went for another ct scan last week and he was told he has now got stage 4 non treatable cancer spread to pelvis bones and lymph nodes. 


I don't know what to do , I don't know what to expect I have been with him by his side through it all. I wish I could fix it for him it's heartbreaking!!!!! I don't know why I am.posting mainly just to vent but also I am.scared of what is likely to come. Any advice would be appreciated.

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Re: End of life stage 4 cancer my dad

I have just experienced what you have described. Mum diagnosed with stage four cancer last Saturday. Total shock for the first 24 hours, followed by fear about the days and months ahead. 
My mother had just recently turned eighty, and due to this and her other health problems, they are not going to treat the cancer. She will have Palliative Care first followed by End-of-Life Care.

Your questions are exactly the same as mine so I will be following the replies with great interest.

Take good care of yourself. I know how stressful and heartbreaking this is.

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