Friend been diagnosed πŸ’”πŸ’”

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Friend been diagnosed πŸ’”πŸ’”

A good friend of mine in cork (I’m in dub) has been diagnosed with breast cancer. (I was just told over a week ago) tonight she told me the devastating news it’s spread to her pelvis and hips. She was a bridesmaid at my wedding but in that time we have grown apart but I would still very much see her as a good friend. Both our mums had breast cancer and we used to joke years ago about which one of us would get it first. This joke is no longer funny . I don’t know what I can do whole heartily to be there for her and deal with my own devesation of what faces my dear friend. Anyone else been in a similar circumstance?

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Re: Friend been diagnosed πŸ’”πŸ’”



I'm sorry to hear about your friend, all you need to do is be there for her and support her. This is achieved by listening, simply being there and making them smile when you can. Did she say what stage by any chance?

New Contributor

Re: Friend been diagnosed πŸ’”πŸ’”

She hasn’t said what stage which I will try to ask next time I’m talking to her. She is starting her first round of chemo tomorrow so I’m trying to withhold so many questions I have for her and just be there for her while she gets her head around starting the treatment so quickly. I have asked again bout seeing her this weekend but not putting any pressure on her as she just wants to see how she gets on with her first session of chemo before thinking of anything else. 

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Re: Friend been diagnosed πŸ’”πŸ’”

Sounds like good steps in the right direction for both you and your friend.

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