GBM grade 4


GBM grade 4

My husband ,aged 47 was diagnosed with a GBM grade 4 in April 2010. He awoke with a stiff/sore leg, which progressively became weaker - 36 hours later we received the diagnosis of a brain tumor . He has had surgery, rehabilitation, radiation, chemotherapy & also stereotactic radiation. The initial tumor was on his right side , the second tumor presented below the original site 3 months after April surgery. We were advised that surgery was too risky on the second so continued with chemotherapy & 5 months later had the stereotactic procedure. My husbands left side movement is effected (has been since April surgery) and seems to be gradually deteriorating - he obviously cannot drive but continues to work as this is an important positive in this world of which he now feels he has little control. We have an amazing team of specialists caring for us and our oncologist and GP support us enormously - in that we are so fortunate. That being said though I hate it - I hate that this tumor has taken over control of our lives & changed the man I married. I feel so selfish sharing this because I know my husband hates it too - my greatest fear is what will happen & how. On the outside I am trying to remain positive & I haven't given up hope - but my husband and I are both realistic and understand that this is what will claim him - when is a anyones guess . I am not scared of being on my own but I am terrified of how this may effect our two amazing teenage sons. I seem to have garbled on but it does feel better
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Re: GBM grade 4

hey i just was reading your post.. i to am a carer of someone with cancer.. my boyfriend has had bowel cancer the last year.. its a tough journey and can be quite lonely at time.. i feel bad coming on this website to.. one day he was on my laptop and read everything i had been writing here and i felt so guilty but then really angry because i almost feel like this is my diary... we to as partners need to vent away somewhere.. i hate his cancer to i hate how its made him weak and tired.. he was so energetic and full of life and now he's always tired, depressed and our lives have changed a lot... at the start of our journey we didn't have much good news.. but after what i can say has been a horrible emotional roller coaster we have climbed to the top.. he's nearly cancer free! hang in there believe me being positive has great effects.. giving up means giving up.. literally.. you have to remain positive for your husbands sake.. whats on the cards for him? has he had surgery? chemo?
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Re: GBM grade 4

I understand everything that you say - even though we don't have 'the cancer' its almost like having it as you live through it each and every day - there is just no escape. I am so pleased to hear you have had some good news and hope that the next tests are 'all clear' - its what we all strive for. My husband has had two surgery's, radiation, chemo, sterotactic radiation and now more chemo - but as you say whatever it takes hey ! Good luck and keep posting how things are going - its just god to vent somewhere sometimes and good news is nice to share.
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