Gbm grade 4 brain tumour

Occasional Contributor

Gbm grade 4 brain tumour

Hi guys, I have joined this site in the hope that I can share other peoples experiences with gbm grade 4 tumors. My dad was diagnosed with this three months ago and I was told he had three months with us if we were lucky. They managed to debulk the tumor which is in the frontal lobe, however it was still the size of a fist after the surgery. It was too dangerous to remove any more. He has since had radium and chemo and he is going to the brain tumor clinic at the end of this month to have a MRI and a review of his progress. He has always been a very strong and independant man and he is now living with me and my family. He has no drivers liscence and although he is still reasonably independant considering his condition, he is very fustrated by needing a nurse during the day ( I work full time) and he doesnt realise that he is not the same anymore when it comes to his short term memory, thought process etc. It is very fustrating for him and so sad to see. He talks of getting his liscence back and going home and I know this will never happen. I haven no idea what the future holds and I would be grateful to hear anyone elses experiences with this awful and cruel decease. Mands
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Gbm grade 4 brain tumour

Hi, my dad was diagnosed with GMB grade 4 in July. He had surgery, then 6 weeks of chemo and radio, 2 weeks later he started showing symptoms of the tumour being back and was put into hospital, they did a second debulk and he is now out of hospital and having 5 days of chemo out of the month and has just started his second course. It is a horrible disease, my dad has also cannot drive or do much physically and like your dad finds it very frustrating. It is so hard to watch someone who has always been so independant, strong and a conversationalist no longer being able to be that person.
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