


My mum was diagnosed with stage 4 glioblastoma almost 6 years ago. She’s doing amazingly having made it this far but recently started having seizures. She on meds to control it but has lost a lot of confidence. She’s still living independently and I don’t want to take that away from her but she gets so bored and lonely. Watching tv give her headaches and her vision is too bad for reading. I worry her mental health is deteriorating. Is there anyone in this community who has experience living with glioblastomas? Maybe what I can prepare for if she deteriorates 

Super Contributor

Re: Glioblastoma

Hi Kirsty1,


I'm sorry to hear about your Mum.

I haven't had glioblastoma, but is it possible to arrange for care or some sort of respite care for a couple of days a week?


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