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Helping others

Helping Others : When my daughter was diagnosed with NHL, 7 years ago, I discovered that this was the most difficult part of my life. She is all clear now. I am still living with this fear. I needed someone who had been through a similar situation with an adult child with cancer, but I knew no-one. It was a lonely time. Recently a friend of mine , is going through this same situation with his adult daughter having treatment for Lymphoma. I would like to be of help, because I know what he is going through, but, it is taking me back to a time and place that was sheer terror. What can I do? What should I do ?
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Re: Helping others

Hi hope2006, I am going through the same situation with my daughter who is 21 years old and has just been diagonised with bowel cancer. i feel my life has just been turned upside down. It is so hard to stay positive and supportive because you are hurting so much yourself. it is so hard to find a person in the simular age group going through the same thing. as they say it is very rare a person of this age having bowel cancer.
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Re: Helping others

Tracey , I have read that bowel cancer is seen more in a younger age group than it used to be . There are probably some on this site who can talk to you . Hope . I think you will find someone here who knows what you are going through . I hope so .
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