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Hi I'm new

My Husband was diagnosed with throat cancer ( tonsils) in February this year, he has had chemo and 87 percent of his radiotherapy treatment, he can't finish treatment because of his adverse reaction to the radium. He was hospitalised for three weeks because he had the herpes virus all way down his throat inside. My worry now is that I cannot get him to eat . 1 his mind is still reminding him that his throat is sore, 2 nothing has any taste and makes him ill3 he does have a peg and is saying that he can get food through that so why try it. He has lost 15 kilos in past two months. I never thought that the recovery would be so hard on him and also the family.
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Re: Hi I'm new

Hi Carol IT's a tough treatment to go through and food does taste weird after treatment. Has your husband seen a dietician lately? I know they hounded me through treatment re not losing too much weight. Your husband also might be suffering from depression as that happens a lot to people after treatment. All of this is worrying and tough on you xx
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