My name is Tamara, I'm married and have two beautiful children. My Dad has struggled with a tumour on his tongue for two years now and we have just been told the devastating news that it is back. My world has stopped, I loath people around me smiling and having fun, I think how dare you go about your life, when mine is falling apart. I never had Grandparents and my Dad is the best "Poppie" to my kids, I never dreamt that he would be be around for my kids. Who is going to play guitar to them? Sing to them? Teach music to them? Get excited about a painting or read stories to them!!!! I don't want my husbands Dad to be there for my kids I want mine!!!!
You would think a 18 hour operation on his face to try and cut the tumour out, after an intense amount of chemo and radiation a year before would have worked and gotten rid of it for good!!!! What am I going to do? What's my mother going to do? The love of her life whom she met when she was 12 is deteriorating before her. The once strong, masculine, bold, wise, handsome and healthy man my brother and mother knew is fading away..... How do you go on??? How do you? If anyone has read this please I'd love to communicate with you???? X