My dad has stage 4 cancer, he can’t walk with out a frame. This happened yesterday

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My dad has stage 4 cancer, he can’t walk with out a frame. This happened yesterday

I’m feeling devastated. I don’t have family emotional support. My sister advised me to join a group like this, so here I am. Any reply would be amazing right now.

thank you for reading,


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Cancer Council Team

Re: My dad has stage 4 cancer, he can’t walk with out a frame. This happened yesterday

Hi Liza11,

I am very sorry about your dad's diagnosis, please call 131120 if you need to talk and find support.

Kind regards


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Re: My dad has stage 4 cancer, he can’t walk with out a frame. This happened yesterday

Hi Liza.. my dad also has stage 4 cancer also.. in his lung.. his gallbladder.. neck and liver.. I found out about a week ago.. to be honest im still in shock..  I think im in denial.. how old are you if you don’t mind me asking.. could really use someone to connect with. Jessica 

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