My husband is not looking too good and I'm so scared

Occasional Contributor

My husband is not looking too good and I'm so scared

My husband was diagnosed in April with terminal cancer. He was diagnosed with bowel cancer 20 months ago, he had op to remove and also 8 months of chemo. 3 months later cancer was back, they operated again and then in April cancer is back and also spread to the pancreas. He has been losing weight and is In a lot of pain. I'm just writing here because I can't sleep and I'm so scared to lose my husband. He is everything to me and the thought of him actually dying is more pain than I can possibly bear. We have been positive up until today but he is now looking so unwell that we have cried together for the first time since all this happened. I think we may have been in denial, I'm not sure. Can somebody please give me some comforting will I live without John. I can barely breath when I imagine a life without him. Please help me. If there is anyone out there that has lost their husband or is going through the same please help me. I don't know what to do, I feel like I'm dying with him.
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Super Contributor

Re: My husband is not looking too good and I'm so scared

Hi Mrs B, my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2011, and I can remember feeling like this too. I can't give you any words of advice, but know I'm putting comforting arms around you now. The only advice I can give is just to take one day (or even one hour, if one whole day seems to daunting) at a time. lots of love and hugs for you, Emily
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Occasional Contributor

Re: My husband is not looking too good and I'm so scared

Thank you Emily, your kind words mean a lot to me right now. God Bless you xx
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