My partner is diagnosed with MDS and its a risk it has grown to leukaemia


My partner is diagnosed with MDS and its a risk it has grown to leukaemia

Hi, I am 31 and my partner is 35. He was diagnosed with MDS a month ago. Today we had a call from his doctor that potentially it has grown to Leukaemia. 

I moved to Australia 2.5 years ago alone. I don't have family or close friends here. Last years I was doing my degree and working. I met James 2 years ago and he became my family. We were planning to get married this year. 

Now I feel absolutely helpless and lonely. I don't know how what to do and how to help him. I don't know how to stand up from the bed in the morning.



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Re: My partner is diagnosed with MDS and its a risk it has grown to leukaemia

Hi ana1,

What a difficult set of circumstances, to say the least.

I am very sorry to hear about your husband.

I don't know much about Leukaemia, but I think you could help him by attending the appointments with him and discussing it with him. It sounds like it has been caught early?

I'll let someone who has more experience with Leukaemia provide with more specific information.

Have a look through the cancercouncil information on Leukaemia.


Also, don't forget about yourself!

Please feel free to come on here at any time and chat.

Also, Cancer Council offer some services that you can use to talk to someone who is a carer.



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