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Hello all, My name is Andrew and my family & I have recently found out that our dear mum who is 70 has Non Small Cell Lung Cancer with Bone Mets. It all still seems like a bad dream. Mum complained of a sore back at xmas (2011) and thought she must have pulled a muscle & went to the physio and thought nothing much of it at the time. A few weeks went by with no real improvement, At 6.30am one Friday morning mum rang me to say she was in so much pain & could not get out of bed, I live four houses down in the same street. I arrived to find mum in tears & having difficulty breathing. I rang the ambulance and they transferred mum to the hospital where they were able to ease the pain, she stayed for a few hours and her doctor arranged for a CT scan to be done that same afternoon. We waited until the following Monday to see the doctor & get the results. I dropped mum off at the medical centre & came back and picked her up. I asked mum did they find anything and she looked at me holding back tears & said wait till we get home. We drove up the driveway and stopped the car, (I was not prepared for what mum was about to tell me); "They have found cancer". The scans found cancer lesions on mums spine, ribs, pelvis, and neck. Absolutely shocked, stunned!! I'm a 40 year and I cried numerous times that night. Our world & family had been turned upside down. Now what? Numerous scans, blood tests,biopsy etc. were done over the next few days. At this early stage it was found that mums back pain was caused by the cancer compressing on mums spine. Priority was given to ease this with steroids & 5 days of radiotherapy. The medical staff were fantastic in getting things up & running in a matter of a few days.
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Re: Newcomer

Hi Andrew, You are so right when you say your world turns upside down. One day you are cruising along, the next you are staring into the abyss where once your dreams were. I used to dream of going back to the pre cancer days, what a beautiful life and future we had. I always remember that day that day 2 yrs ago in the GPs surgery, when he said to my wife, "its cancer". My world turned upside down and never righted itself. 2yrs of palliative care, frantic treatment, nightmares. Be with your mum and do what you can for her, you will not regret it. wombat4
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