Perotid Cancer

Super Contributor

Re: Perotid Cancer

Did you have a planning day ? Maybe it's only in particular cases .With mine they had to do another ct scan and make a mask ,then take masurements etc. It then took a couple of weeks for it all to be worked out. So is Tuesday the start of radiation or planning day? Whichever itis all the best .The radiation itself is painless . The side effects depend on the area being treated but you probably know this by now.
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Perotid Cancer

Hi Silly, the Planning day is Tuesday, i guess we are worried what the new CT scans will show, as we are not sure if the opperation was successful at removing the entire cancer, so the anxiousness is quite over whelming at times. Only time will tell, Tuesday cant come quick enough but at the same time is too close.. thanks for the supportive messages, they certainly help me and i know T has been reading them and found them very helpful.. till after tuesday, fingers crossed that all goes well, will stay in touch. regards Deb and T
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Perotid Cancer

Hi Silly, the Planning day is Tuesday, i guess we are worried what the new CT scans will show, as we are not sure if the operation was successful at removing the entire cancer, so the anxiousness is quite over whelming at times. Only time will tell, Tuesday cant come quick enough but at the same time is too close.. thanks for the supportive messages, they certainly help me and i know T has been reading them and found them very helpful.. till after tuesday, fingers crossed that all goes well, will stay in touch. regards Deb and T
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Perotid Cancer

you probably think it very rude of me but i forgot to ask about you, how are you feeling? what type of cancer do you have? how long ago were you diagnosed? how is are the treatments comming along, have you finished or are they still ongoing? T has Perotid Gland Cancer in his face and it spread to the lymph nodes in his neck and into his submandibular gland.. so he had all of these removed.. they tell us that he will be very sore and that his throat will be red raw and he will get very tired. something to look forward to hey? ..
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Super Contributor

Re: Perotid Cancer

Hi Deb, if they didn't get all of the cancer the radiation may take care of that but as you said the scans will tell you more. With mine they couldn't get it all without more radical surgery(losing my eye) but were hoping radiation would do it. So far ,so good.My cancer is adenoid cystic carcinoma.It was in the nasal cavity,tear duct and lacrimal sac.Diagnosis was in early February last year,surgery in mid April and imrt(radiation) for 6 weeks in June and July. Checks since then have not shown any cancer. Do you know if your partner is having imrt? It is used for head and neck cancers and for prostrate cancer. I did not expect you to ask about me nor did it enter my head that you hadn't . You have more pressing things on your mind . All the best to you both.
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