What to eat?

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What to eat?

Hi my name is Colin,


I recently stopped working to take care of family members that were diagnosed with prostate and lung cancer. They have lost their appetites and their tastes have changed quite significantly.

I cook at home for them but i am just asking for opinions here on what i can feed them?


They currently seem to enjoy the occasional lunch out at a restaurant, is this recommended?


I have also stocked up the freezer with frozen foods so they have easy access to food when i am not around, is this an ok alternative?


What are 3 favorite foods that you like to eat? What are 3 things that you do eat? And what are 3 things that you wish you could eat? What is the single best food you eat? Any snacks and drinks that you consume regularly that i can also buy for my aunties?


I'm trying my best to make their lives as easy as possible, by cooking and cleaning up for them, but what else can i help them with?


Any help or tips will be appreciated.

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Re: What to eat?

Hi Colin

Unfortunately it is trial and error

Its good they can enjoy lunch at a restaurant keep it up.

 Scrambled eggs on toast was my go to and still is.

 Bananas blended with hospital sustagen and milk.



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Re: What to eat?

Thanks for your imput kj 🙂


I will give these a shot with my aunts. Anyone else have any other suggestions?


Also, kj, how did you stay positive through all of this? if think positivity is key, but my aunts are finding it difficult.

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Re: What to eat?

Hard question to answer about staying positive.

I was surrounded by love and friendship which helped keep my spirits up and I took it one day at a time ,I have been a positive person during life .I also used meditation to relax .I am just one of the lucky ones.


Sorry I can't give a definitive answer,but by your caring for your aunts you are creating your own positives.



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Re: What to eat?

Thanks kj again.


You're such an inspiration 🙂 I will keep at it and wish for the best.


Out of curiosity, in regards to your scambled eggs and toast, is it your go to because it is easier to make and doesnt take much time? Or is it the texture of the silky eggs that makes it easier on your throat? Or is it just a favourtie food of yours? 

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Re: What to eat?


The reason scrambled eggs became my favourite was ,My body craved that meal ,at times I still do,in talking with a number other cancer sufferers, some also craved scrambled eggs possibly my body wanted the protein and I was able to enjoy and keep down ,I have always tried to listen to my body.


I was very lucky to become friends with a very special lady on this forum who was an inspiring person ,she had the same cancer I had but was not as fortunate with her outcome,she spent the remainder of her life educating and helping some in the medical profession on how to better help Cancer sufferers.


She now has a Nursing program named after her and her mother to help those diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer.

I wish you and your aunts all the best as you look after them at this trying time in life.





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Re: What to eat?

Hello @ColinF and welcome!


It's sounds like you are doing amazing things for your family members Heart


Do they have any cravings that could give you a guide? @kj has given you some excellent suggestions.


If softer foods are more palateable to them, would looking at some recipes designed for baby/toddler food be of use? There are a lot of free ones available online. Not talking blended up steak or anything but perhaps some fruit and vegetable mashes they might like or even something like simple finger food they can snack on. I have a toddler myself and I've been guilty of eating her food that I've made, sometimes she eats better than I do Smiley Very Happy


Does anyone have any recipes or suggestions that might be useful for Colin? Smiley Happy

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Re: What to eat?

Hi all,


A friend of mine has started a free service for my aunties and after some discussion, they are happy to help cook for others also.

He's a professinal chef by the way, and my aunts are finally eating a decent amount!


If anyone is interested, message me and i can put you in contact with them.

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