
New Contributor


Hi. I am so frustated my husband of 35 years. Had 1 lung removed ladt yera and his other lung is full of holes due to copd when they removed his lung said it was not cancer but tb they then tested everybody for tb then they came back and said it was not tb but did not know what it was this poor man has been through the mill and back and they still dont know what is wrong he cannot breath well if we go anywhere he cannot walk without getting sick now they are checking him for bowel and stomach cancer he has lost 20 lbs in the last month he is very angry and taking it out on me he eats but not much. I just wish someone can tell us what is going on he tells me all the time his breathing does not seem the same and does not seem right says he is not going to last the year i just dont know what i can do for him we have 6 grown kids but i have to be strong for them i have noone to talk to i.cry my self to sleep every night when i do sleep most of the night i am laying awake making sure he is breathing just need to vent sorry
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Re: anger

I hear ya! It is so hard when you are the one who loves them the most and yet you are the one they take it out on..... Just keep venting is a great place to chat, check in, cry and generally carry on....which in turn makes the outside more bearable. I lost my husband nearly a year ago and the last 12 months of a five year battle were intense and I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy. Just such a sick man, both physically and mentally and with two young children on top of was hard. Just hang in there...sometimes one hour at a time. And make sure you take time out for you!! Take care! PA XXX
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Super Contributor

Re: anger

I know it must be dufficult not knowing the cause of some of this . Trying to be strong for your grown kids would make it more so ,I would think . Maybe you can talk to some of then and that way support each other . Do they know what's going on with their dad ? Not all will react the same but I would think at least one could help you somehow . If I've said the wrong thing ,I apologise .
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New Contributor

Re: anger

Yea the kids all know but they do not want to accept it they all say dad is going to be alright it is their way of handling it thank u everyone for all the support it really helps to be able to connect with someone who is going through similar things
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