complete loss of appetite

Occasional Contributor

complete loss of appetite

hello my husband has been diagnosed 4 weeks ago with pancreatic cancer.its too late for any treatment ,Cris is on palliative care.for the past week he cannot eat anything he got nausea ,hiccups all the time so he stopped eating 2 days ago i gave him 2 teaspoons of soup he vomited straight away so i called the nurse.She put him on a drip and he is going to be hospitalized later this week.Is he worse and no one is telling us or are they really goin to make my husband better.We are so scared .Thanks for ur help and support
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Frequent Contributor

complete loss of appetite

Hi Clo,this is such a scary time for you,and I really hope they can help your hubby while he's in hospital.One thing that helped me was taking Gavascon before I ate.Speak to your dr and tell him you want to know everything,whether it be good or bad it is worse not knowing because then the imagination takes over. Be strong,my prayers are with both of you. margro...i do know how you feel,i was diagnosed 3yrs ago with stge 3 pancreatic cancer
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