how do I deal with the friend I am caring for when he goes on a rampage ?

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how do I deal with the friend I am caring for when he goes on a rampage ?

My friend has had liver cancer for six months and was told he wasnt expected to live past a year < He has resumed drinking excessively to the point of passing out .... during his binges and for up to three days after he becomes viscous , abussive and nasty and it is always directed at me.... His nurse recognised that he is in a Psycotic state and has entered into an abusive cycle with me as his target.... his so called family are not supportive of him or me and I have no friends here as I live in Melbourne but have moved to brisbane to care for him.... please Help with any ideas as to how I can help him to stop his destructive and at times scary actions... thanks
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Re: how do I deal with the friend I am caring for when he ...

my bf has had cancer for nearly a year and ive noticed im his outlet to anger.. wen he had chemo and radiotherapy he used to yell and scream at me over nothing! i think in your situation your friend might be very scared and worried.. being told u dont have long to live is a very big nasty thing... drinking is probably his outlet.. is he having chemo or radiotherapy?
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