introducing myself

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introducing myself

hi there, thought I would introduce myself. I am here to get some more knowledge, support and suggestions on dealing and helping my mother with lung cancer. the one person that has always been my rock, its not time for me to return the favour, and to do that I would like to have the strength and knowledge in my to be able to do that. not sure if this is what im meant to be talking about. so my mum has lung cancer, has had the effected part of the lung removed. and will start chemo in about 2 weeks time. she also has kidney stones that they need to remove first before they can start/continue treatment. looking over the information they gave mum about the side effects of the chemo, that certaintly wasn't a pleasant read. I felt sick just reading it. anyways that a bit about me, and my expectations of this forum/chat. thank you.
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