Anyone had or know of someone who has had isolated limb perfusion???

Occasional Visitor

Anyone had or know of someone who has had isolated limb perfusion???

An option for my mum with soft tissue sarcoma in the arm is isolated limb perfusion (IPL) -

 a treatment in which the blood circulation of the extremity is isolated. Local treatment with chemotherapy is applied in the isolated vessels by means of a heart-lung machine.


Has anyone had this type of treatment before? It is difficult to find information on it being done in Australia. Mum would need to have it done in Melbourne.

Thanks in advance, Sonya

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Re: Anyone had or know of someone who has had isolated limb perfusion???

Hello @SonyaPerth and welcome to our community.


Someone here may well have had this treatment or something similar. Hopefully someone chimes in soon.


How is your Mum doing?



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