Father's Prostate Cancer Diagnosis


Father's Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

Hi all,

Very grateful for this community in a time like this. My father had a biopsy and has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. I'm in shock and it feels like a bad dream, compounded by all this covid19 restriction going on. None of it feels real.

He's had a scan done and we have an appointment to find out the extent of it and whether/how far it's spread. I guess what I'm after is some kind of reality and options based on your experience. He's been diagnosed with a PSA 8.0, Gleason 4+5 = 9. It also mentions prostate adenocarcinoma and multifocal perineural invasion.

Any insight would be appreciated, even if it's not the best. I just want to know what I could start looking/reading/researching to prepare us before the appointment and also the road ahead.

Also, does anyone have any experience with hemp oils? Do they help with treatment?

Thanks in advance,

All the very best,


Super Contributor

Re: Father's Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

Hi Petar,

I don't know much about prostate cancer treatment, I just wanted to welcome you to the community, & say sorry for your father's situation.
The doctors all say not to use Doctor Google, but in my opinion, any & all information is good, as long as you take it in context & with common sense. Do as much research as you can, ask as many questions as you need to. If they try to brush you off, push back, don't give in till you have the answers you seek.
All the best

Re: Father's Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

Hi, I'm sorry to hear about your father's diagnosis of Prostate cancer! 

With the PSA test, most men who do not have prostate cancer have PSA levels under four nanograms per milliliter of blood. The higher the PSA level, the higher the chance of having prostate cancer. Further, if a DRE or PSA test detects an anomaly, you might be recommended further tests to determine if you truly have prostate cancer. Some of these tests are ultrasound, collection of a sample of the prostate tissue, and MRI fusion. These tests can determine how far it has spread and how aggressive it is.

There are different treatment options available for the treatment of Prostate cancer depending upon the stage and risk factors of cancer including:

  1. radiation therapy
  2. Chemotherapy
  3. Vaccine Treatment
  4. Hormone Therapy
  5. Surgery
  6. Bone directed treatment

I hope the doctor will suggest the best treatment option for your father so that he can recover soon.

Best wishes!


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