Fluid on the lungs

Occasional Contributor

Fluid on the lungs

Anyone out their know anything about fluid on the lung? My husband started to feel breathless over Xmas and was diagnosed with fluid on the lungs. It's spidery so they can't drain it. Trouble is they can't fix it. He's had 3 different types of antibiotics. CT X-rays show no blood clots. So without knowing what caused it they can't fix it. He's at his wits end can't do anything cause he's so breathless. Any advice.
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Re: Fluid on the lungs

Hi Sandy..I havent had the problem with fluid on the lungs as such, well, I did have for a while after a Biopsy on my lung caused a Hemathorax, but only for a few days after they drained the lung.I have a Tumor in my upper right lung that was about the size of a large "Egg" and was putting stress on my wind pipe, and I found two things that helped. One was simply taking the puffer "ventolin" helped ease and open the wind pipe(Always check with your doc first), and the other was to use a Steam Vapouriser at night with Eucalyptus oil in it ( it also helped because of the humidity up here in the north) I bought mine from the chemist and was relatively cheap, I hope this helps Greg & De
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Re: Fluid on the lungs

I would be getting a second opinion, isn't fluid on the lung pneumonia? Been there, had a collapsed lung and an operation to remove fluid from mine
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