GBM Treatments - what to expect ($$$)


Re: GBM Treatments - what to expect ($$$)

Well we never got to do the 7th chemo session as the MRI in March indicated that the 1.2cm tumour is now over 3cm and we were sent to PA to see specialist. After three weeeks of phone tag and running around we found out that surgery will not be done. The new tumour is sitting in the left temporal lobe in the area of communication. We will be doning another round of radiation to start later this month and will see the chemotherapist to see what is on offer there. It is likely that we also have less than 12 months.
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Re: GBM Treatments - what to expect ($$$)

Hi Groenevelt68, I didn't know radiotherapy is an option after you had 6 weeks of therapy. Your husband might have had lower dose of it so that can be an option. We were told the same thing about surgery that they don't recommend to have the second one within a year. There is also another clinical trial, not the AMG 595 that my partner is getting this Tuesday, which will start to recruit in late April or May. It is a randomized phase II study (there are 3 arms in the study), investigating a new drug called LY2157299 with another drug used more commonly called lomustine. You may want to explore this option. We don't want to wait for this one as everyday is so precious. I find it's hard to just sit tight and do nothing but wait. It took us 5 weeks from getting the bad news (7 March), seek 2nd opinion, went through screening phase, to getting a treatment from this clinical trial (10 April). Take care
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Re: GBM Treatments - what to expect ($$$)

Hey Peanutz, After we had the tumour removed last year we had 6 weeks of radiation and 6 weeks of chemo (as a block) at the same time, then the chemo went to monthly sessions. We were told at the time that it is not normal to offer radiation for a second time in our case if another tumour came radiation would be considered. So now we are going to have another round of radiation for 6 weeks and it will be same dose or higher. We thought that since there is a chemo appointment sitting there we would attend and see what they can offer, whether we have the combined radiation and chemo, just radiation to start and do chemo later or finally no chemo. So now we sit and wait.
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Re: GBM Treatments - what to expect ($$$)

Hi Groenevelt68 The time of waiting and getting whatever news is really difficult. Then having to "deal" with the news Oh shit this is a such crapy path My thoughts and best of wishes to you Hugs Geoff
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Re: GBM Treatments - what to expect ($$$)

At least we finally got the information we were after, it may not have been the greatest but at least we can work with it. I do not like being in the dark as that wastes time. We will go home for a bit of r&r before coming back for treatment. Wishing all a Happy Easter.
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Re: GBM Treatments - what to expect ($$$)

At least we finally got the information we were after, it may not have been the greatest but at least we can work with it. I do not like being in the dark as that wastes time. We will go home for a bit of r&r before coming back for treatment. Wishing all a Happy Easter.
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Re: GBM Treatments - what to expect ($$$)

Hi Sue Not heard from you in a while are you ok? Geoff
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