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My name is Kimberley. I am writing here as I lost my husband to GBM brain cancer in late December 2021. My husbands diagnosis and subsequent passing was 8 weeks, with no significant prior symptoms. To say this was a shock was a gross understatement. My husband, myself and our children had no preparation for the devastation that unfolded one late October 2021 evening when I took my husband to the local hospital with visual disturbance and confusion symptoms. I am posting here as I would like to reach out to anyone who has experienced or is experiencing this type of brain cancer or caring for someone in this situation. GBM is very aggressive, I have experienced first hand its pace and destruction. I would also like to hear from anyone whom has had a similar experience that needs a listening ear. First and foremost, I want to encourage all sufferer's and family members to seek support and guidance from their oncology nurse and palliative care team, these people are amazing and have great insight to what you are going through. I personally, as a carer found our oncology nurse and palliative care team invaluable. 

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Hi Kimberley, I was so sorry to read this. First, for your loss, and second because I received my very poor prognosis a couple of weeks ago. I am 66 yrs old and have never been in better shape, played golf 3 days a week and was loving retirement. Then I had some balance issues and a dramatic mood shift. Surgery within days and my life has been inverted. I start chemo/radio next week.

Thank you for reaching out. I have joined this group to share my experiences and to learn from others.

Let me send you my very best wishes.


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