Research and Help

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Research and Help

Hi everyone,


My name is Amelia and my older brother 22 diagnosed this year  with a rare sarcoma cancer (not sure of the correct spelling) in his lung, he had had a history of mental illness issues and this diagnosis and the whole year of chemotherapy - multiple rounds, a lung removal and now on radiation, I have watch him deteriorate and I've been helping take care of him throughout the year so all the stress wasn't on my parents.


I was wondering if other than support online groups you, as caregivers and family members, received any support through this terrible time. I wanted to use my experience of this year to create an IRP (high school HSC report for community and family studies) to express how caregivers also go through this diagnosis but on a different level. Below I have my questionnaire that I would love if you all felt comfortable filling out. This is a way for me to process (I'm a researcher and writer and this helps me cope) the terrible year I've had and also a way for us as a community to have a voice over what we go through. Everything is completely secretive, no names or anything personal required, just your experience and opinions. Thank you so much for help on this project and also to everyone who has helped me through this diagnosis.


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