tremors re Gr4 GBM

Occasional Contributor

tremors re Gr4 GBM

my husband is having mini tremors where he is conscious & aware what is happening. this is quite frightening seeing he had 3 seizures on July 13 & then had 2 craniotomies in a 5 wk period. he has had 6wks radium & chemo (tablet) but finished this 2wks ago for a month break. Does anyone know if these tremors are a normal progression re brain tumours? He is due on have a MRI this coming Thursday.
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Re: tremors re Gr4 GBM

Hi Chinwag Could be he is tired. At different stages Pete had mini tremors mainly when he would be reaching with his extended arm. For me when Pete started having mini shivers when he was asleep that was a sign of progression. Hope you are keeping a diary of things as it really is helpful, also having questons prepared for oncology appointments, I felt like a PA most of the time but it helped me focus and remember everything. How are you both coping? The build up to MRIs can be so stressful and I wish you all the best with the results and I hope you don't have to wait too long for them. Minx
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