November 2013
my husband is having mini tremors where he is conscious & aware what is happening. this is quite frightening seeing he had 3 seizures on July 13 & then had 2 craniotomies in a 5 wk period. he has had 6wks radium & chemo (tablet) but finished this 2wks ago for a month break. Does anyone know if these tremors are a normal progression re brain tumours? He is due on have a MRI this coming Thursday.
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November 2013
Hi Min, my hubby has a Gr 4 GBM & we have just finished radium (6wks) & he is off chemo (tablet) for a mth break. He was weaned off the dex last half tablet last Sunday but he hasn't picked up since we've come home from Brisbane Oct 25th & isn't eating & sleeping a lot. He too gets quite agro mainly with me over mundane things but from this site & info I've read this is normal & one must learn to deal with these mood swings & aggressive reactions. hey it's hard but I say to him don't speak like that love, & he apologises. Dr only today put him back on dex to see if it will help re appetite. I hope so, we are facing a hard road & the worst is yet to come. be patient with your m-I-law & try to explain to family & friends that this is part of the dreadful disease. Keep in touch. I find this site quite comforting for me knowing I am not alone on this horrible journey.
he had 2 craniotomies within 5wks & he was a fit healthy man prior to this ..had 3 seizures on July 13 & our nightmare began.
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November 2013
oh so sorry for your loss, I, too am watching my husband slowing getting worse each day. I try to put on a good front but there are times when I want to scream, cry etc. when I lie beside him in bed each night I wonder how long I will have him. we have been married 41yrs. he has had 2 craniotomies within 5wks. just finished radium in Brisbane & a mth break off chemo but he isn't eating & sleeps nearly all day & night & is just the shell of a man he was.
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October 2013
Hi James, my husband was diagonised with a grade 4 GBM & back on july 17 when he had his 1st op we asked Neuro, Oncologist & radium specialists how long did he have & they wouldn't say except that it would come back & on Aug 23 he had his 2nd op as the tumour had progressed rapidly so they put a drain in as well. on our last visit to Radium dr he asked the same question to be told 50% last 15mths the other 50% die. I think he was at peace to know a time span as we had read lots on this disease but he probably needed to hear it from a dr. I feel for you going down this road & hope you have someone to care for you like I am doing for Jeff. we have been married for 41 years and I am frightened of what lies ahead.
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October 2013
Hi Melanie, I feel for you being so much younger than me with two little ones to care for too.
We are back home & my hubby was so exhausted after the flight & travel he was quite unsteady on his feet & he seems to get a wobble up at times. he is coming off the dex now & a mth break off chemo too.
I notice how he gets snarly and snaps at me more often but once I tell him not to snap he apologies so all is okay.
I realise this will get worse as time goes on. Sounds like Jeff my hubby is doing the same with his feet he seems to put the ball of his foot down & doesn't follow through with his heel.
He is very tired and his eating habits have changed, doesn't seem to want as much as before.
We haven't really discussed much about what lies ahead as I try to remain positive which my kids keep telling me to do.
Please continue to stay in touch as I find this helps us all in some way or another & as a carer it can be quite difficult to cope at times but sharing with others in similar situations is helping me to carry on, knowing others care.
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October 2013
thanks for your comments. We are nearly finished the radium & hopefully head back home this coming Friday. Chemo Dr said my husband will pick up once home after a week or two. He will have a month's break from chemo. we will find out more details this coming Thursday. He is very tired & weak & his short term memory is shot to pieces & he does get aggro about little things then he apologies. This site is very helpful & gives me some insight on what to expect although I don't think my daughter approves of me doing this. I am hoping we can get back to some form of normality once home but for how long, who knows. He was sick last week so they upped his dex & nausea meds but will be weaned off dex I imagine once we go home.
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October 2013
My husband has a Grade 4 GBM has had 2 craniotomies in 5 weeks. He is 62 and was a fit healthy man & had 3 seizures, the first one beside me in bed at 3am. the next while the paramedics were on hand then another on the way to the hospital. The total shock of all this rocked us all & we live in CQ & have spent a great deal of time since July 13 here in Brisbane. He is having chemo orally & we are heading into our 5th wk of radium next wk with one to go before we head home. He is a champion, never complains but his short term memory is shot to pieces & lacks concentration at times & also gets snappy at me over little things but is fine with our daughter when she visits. we know the long term prognosis isn't good but it is frightening to know what lies ahead. this is such an emotional time for me as his carer & I try to keep upbeat & happy with him but I have my cries alone. I hope your mum can cope with the mood swings & we must remember this is not the person we had prior to this dreaded disease.
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October 2013
thank you for your reply. I am sorry for your loss. It is very difficult to come to terms with but your husband sounds a lot like mine, he is a positive person but he knows his time is limited & he is keen to get his affairs in order once we return home following his radium treatment. I know fully he is thinking of me and what lies ahead. Did your husband become upset over small mundane things as I notice my husband is. I have read quite a bit on this disease and how interpersonal relationships and behaviour changes occur over time. I just hope I can cope with what lies ahead but I am fortunate to have my daughter and son and daughter-in-law who are a godsend during this.
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October 2013
I am my hubby's carer & I need any info that may be helpful for me for what I face ahead. we are halfway through radium (6 wks total) away from family & friends & he started chemo orally at the same time.
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