Creating A Final Connection

New Contributor

Creating A Final Connection

Hi All,


In 2022 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 bowl cancer that led to my large intestine being completely removed in emergency surgery and resected so I wouldn't have a stoma bag 


After 4 weeks in hospital i came home to heal and recover and 6 weeks later I started a 12 dose cycle of high dose chemotherapy including taking a slow release bottle home.


In January 2023 I got the all clear and slowly started to undergo my personal objectives to get back to normal.


In July last year I was due for my rescans and oncology check up it was scheduled to be a Telehealth as I was back at work happy but was told my oncologist needed me to come in face to face there in his rooms I got the news my cancer had come back and mastised into my stomach lining and I had terminal cancer.


From there I had 5 treatments to try to see what it could do but the doses where stronger and physically knock me piller to post in in October the discussion was it was not working and since then I'm living each day to my best.


It's still an emotionally difficult journey each day but I've learnt for me it's more than the diagnosed situation it's using the time to leave the very best memory's I can for then ones I love that have and continue to govr me all the love and support I need each day.


If in the time I have left I can continue to help anyone else I'll be a happy man 

Regular Contributor

Re: Creating A Final Connection

Hi Glenn, thanks for sharing. You are amazing and courageous.   I’m so glad you have lots of love surrounding you. I remember someone on here who was writing letters to all his loved ones before the end of his life. It gave them something so personal to read after he was gone. I will pray for you 🙏. 💕 LindaG 

Occasional Contributor

Re: Creating A Final Connection

Glenn that's a tough blow. You are great to be thinking of your loved ones & creating good memories for them.  Thing am doing for myself is all my favourite photos in Google now linked to my TV so can see all photos have taken of nature.

Take care 🪷🪷


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