
Occasional Contributor


My wife passed away on June 7th, since then I have pretty much been driving myself crazy. To sum it up I really just didn’t want to live any more (I am not suicidal) just having a hard time finding a reason to go on. Our house is quite cluttered; we’ve lived here for over 30 years. The other day our window air conditioner quit working (it’s an old house) I had it plugged into a breaker box in the house. To get to it I had to move my wife’s computer. One of the things I found next to her computer was a small emblem of a Mickey Mouse Wizard hat from Disneyland, she really like going there with our daughter. It had one word on the bottom of it, “Courage” she kept that near her, her bed was next to her computer. That’s what she had lots of courage, she knew she was going to die and yet she never gave up. I have finally found mine in her. I still don’t know what I am going to do with my life, but I am not going to give up either.

I wish you all well.


Regular Contributor

Re: Courage

Hi Bob, how special that you found your wife’s hat with Courage written on it. It was meant to help you for sure.  One day at a time, sometimes one hour at a time. You are moving forward. It’s ok not to know what lies ahead. One day you will. There’s no rush.  🙏💕Linda

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