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Hi, I am a new user.

Hi everyone, I've just recently found this site and I'm hoping it's what I've been looking for. I'm 18 and live in a small town in Victoria. I've lived in this town with my mum and nan, with the rest of my family living 6 hours away. My Nan was diagnosed with breast cancer, and then secondary lung and liver cancer. 4 months ago it claimed her life. It was very hard because she was always there, and watching her in pain was very hard to do, and not having her here anymore is still sinking in. I was going through my Year 12 exams when my nan passed away, it was a really traumatic time because I was supposed to be celebrating finishing school forever with my friends. I hope to find someone that understands how it felt or who went through a similar process. Thanks for reading my story 🙂
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