Just diagnosed terminal.


Just diagnosed terminal.

it’s been 48 hours since my 21 year old younger brother was told he has a few months. It was a complete shock. Didn’t see it coming at all. The cancer is so aggressive it is growing and spreading while he was getting treatment. I am so lost. I don’t know what to do about anything. For him, for our Mum or even for me... how do I prepare for his death? How on earth do I do this? 

Super Contributor

Re: Just diagnosed terminal.


What a nightmare situation your brother and family find yourselves  in,it may be beneficial if you can have a chat to your GP about what is happening to your brother, and your own feelings,counseling may be beneficial for you,at this stage of terminal diagnosis your brother may come under palliative care if he is not already there depending on the circumstances Try and talk with your family no matter how difficult it seems .

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Super Contributor

Re: Just diagnosed terminal.

Somethings in life in just come out of nowhere. Where to start?

I am so sorry.


I don't really know is my answer. I'm sorry.

Have you asked him how he'd like to be remembered?



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Occasional Contributor

Re: Just diagnosed terminal.

I am so sorry for your horrible news. 

What devastating news for your brother and your family.


When my Dad was diagnosed he was given 2-6 weeks

I was lucky I could have time away from work. I spent every day with him.


Now he has gone and it’s so painful but those days with him I will always always cherish and hold close to my heart. The conversation as sad and heart breaking as it was.

My only advice is to be there for each other, talk, cry, hug

And if it helps I felt the same way as you do, I kept saying “how can we do this”

but somehow you do 

love and prayers to you 


Frequent Visitor

Re: Just diagnosed terminal.

I am so sorry. I don't think we can really prepare for this.

My husband died six weeks ago from a terribly aggressive cancer,

I tried to think of ways to prepare. Perhaps the best things is to

talk, gather those you love around you and trust in your own

strength. What else can anyone do? It is a very difficult time, be

kind to yourself.

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