Stage 4 Glioblastoma

Occasional Contributor

Stage 4 Glioblastoma

I lost my beloved Mum on May 14th 2020 to stage 4 Glioblastoma.  We got told about the tumor September 25th 2019 and then two weeks later we were told how serious it was. Despite surgery, chemo and radiation she lost her fight with this hideous disease. It is still hard to believe she is gone. This disease robbed my Mum of her dignity amongst other things. I know that she is no longer suffering but I still miss her so much.

Frequent Contributor

Re: Stage 4 Glioblastoma



Welcome to these forums, I understand your pain and feeling deeply but I just wanted to ask, how are you going at this moment??

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Stage 4 Glioblastoma

I am doing ok. It is 3 weeks today since Mum passed. I have my good days and bad days but I get comfort from knowing that she is no longer suffering. 

Frequent Contributor

Re: Stage 4 Glioblastoma

Yes, I understand completely - we went through the same pain too. Mum and all, it's an common world.


My story is trying but I am sorry for your loss but don't but worry I am here to protect you.

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