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So it’s been one month since My usband died. My handsome man. Last week I wasn’t feeling very unwell. Found out after my daughter made me go to hospital just to check it wasn’t something serious, I had a mini stroke.

  1. spend 2 days in hospital and now feel that maybe Russell my husband was telling me to slow down.To look after me. He had said quite a lot while looking after him,” You need to make time and look after yourself” I thought if I just kept going I could have him here longer. None of his cancer journey makes sense. Surgery  was to give him years.  8 mths latter broken pelvis from the cancer eating through excruciating pain. Then he was gone. My heart hurts. My brain doesn’t make sense of it. My children just as confused. My grandchildren missing pa.  

Re: Why.

Hi Sooty

So sorry to hear youve been unwell!

Your daughter sounds a loving and caring girl. Keep supporting each other as best you can....it's the hardest time as you well know....

Cancer is the cruellest disease that shows no mercy

Thinking of you

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