losing Mum to lung cancer

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losing Mum to lung cancer

My beautiful Mum was diagnosed with lung cancer in January this year. A complete shock to us all as she had never smoked in her 89 years. Sadly, she lost her battle last Saturday under the incredible care of staff at the brilliant Olivia Newton John Centre in Melbourne. She had accepted her diagnosis with grace and dignity and decided against any chemo or radiotherapy. We knew we would lose her sooner rather than later, but during the last week of her life her condition worsened dramatically and we held our collective breaths. Mum never complained of any pain, just the distress of her inability to breathe easily and hence hindering her usual active routine. When the call came from the hospital in the early hours of Saturday that her breathing had changed substantially, we knew we were losing her. Three hours later she died peacefully and in no pain, reunited with Dad. My sisters and I, as well as my wife, had the privilege of being in the room as she drew her last breath. It was a surreal, heartbreaking moment. Several days later the grief is still fresh and raw but we are slowly coming to terms with our loss and know that Mum is in a better place, as hard as that concept is. A rich, full life well lived by a beautiful soul. We will all miss her dearly.   

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Cancer Council Team

Re: losing Mum to lung cancer

Dear @Andrew60


I am so sorry for the loss of your mum. It sounds like you were a wonderful support to your mum, especially during her last stage of life. 


Take care of yourself during this challenging time. 


If you feel like you would like some support please see these specific services that support with bereavement: https://www.cancercouncil.com.au/cancer-information/advanced-cancer/grief/seeking-support/


Kind regards,


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Occasional Contributor

Re: losing Mum to lung cancer

Dear Andrew60, my sincere condolences re the death of your  mother.  And all good thoughts as to how you cared for her at the end of life.  Your post resonates with me as I, too, was diagnosed last year with terminal, stage 4 lung cancer and have never smoked. And I am also in my 80s. At the moment I am being treated with immunotherapy and my condition is stable.  But there is some reassurance to know that your Mum was treated with care and love at the end of of her life. That is all any of us can hope for!

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New Contributor

Re: losing Mum to lung cancer

Thankyou LindaMS, very kind words. Mum's funeral is this Thursday so another difficult hurdle to cross. But the fog is slowly starting to clear as the family prepares to move forward without Mum in our lives. She will, of course, remain forever in our hearts. I hope your condition  remains  stable for some time and that you are surrounded by the love and care of  family and friends. Take care

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New Contributor

Re: losing Mum to lung cancer

Thankyou Felicity_CCNSW, much appreciated.  I found the podcast series, hosted by Julie McCrossin, via your website. This has been a huge help in understanding  cancer more fully and helping to cope in the vacuum following  Mum's death. A brilliant resource, thankyou. I will certainly  reach out for more help if needed in the coming weeks and months as "normal" life resumes. Take care

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