


Hi all, I have a SCC cancer in my Right Lymph Node,  it has doubled in size in 9 weeks. I've had a tumour and my right Tonsil removed,  I also had a tumour and the base of my tongue removed.  Both came back negative.  So they can't find a primary cancer.  I'm having a CT scan with contrast next Tuesday, then a meeting with ENT surgeon,  Chemo therapist, Radiation therapist,  Ocologist to discuss what's next. The surgeon today said that they are looking at Chemotherapy 5 day's a week for 6 week's. Then Radiation instead of removing the Lymph Node.  Just wondering if anyone has gone through this amount of Chemo? I understand that it affects everyone differently,  but just a bit of insight would help. It might even just give me some questions to ask? 

Thank you.  David.

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