

Re: Hope

I love it! I am being "hopeful" it sums up how I am feeling and fits perfectly. Thanks flight. I am generally an optimistic person but the uncertainty about the future does weigh on me, sometimes more than others. When I do try and voice this I get the typical " you have to be positive" and I really want to say that no I don't...not all the time. I am not being negative but just realistic, I hope the cancer doesn't come back but I am realistic enough to know that it might. As others have said it will get easier with time. Now I will just say that I am full of hope for the future 🙂
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Re: Hope

I hate it when people are constantly babbling to me " you have to be positive or your cancer might come back" I am only being a human being with feelings and emotions and realistic at the same time. I get so so angry when people say that"POSITIVE" word ,i reckon if they were in ours shoes they would know the feeling of uncertainty and so on....The classic quotes i get from people is " i might have cancer in me and i don't know it", " i might get hit by a bus and you might live longer" " you are lucky you got it early" and blah, blah, blah. At times i feel like saying " i am sorry for feeling the way i do but i am the one living through this and not you so please don't tell me i am lucky to get cancer early", my theory is i still ended up getting it didn't I. I still have hope though and i think you have too in some way to move on with life the way it is now not the way it was before cancer. This is my favourite quote: " You aren't being punished, you just haven't been rewarded yet" that is HOPE... Missy Moo
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Re: Hope

I have found that when discussing Rob's cancer with people, I say to them 'We're feeling positive about things'. Past experiences have shown that if I tell people what's really going on, how he's doing or how I'm feeling, things go all awkward, they don't know what to say and it all goes to hell. So I'd rather put on the forced smile, tell them that we're being positive and everyone goes along their merry way. Just easier that way. We're really only honest with family and those really close friends. I love the idea of being hopeful and I think I'll use that from now on. I agree, I've always challenged the 'always positive' mantra as I don't think it's particularly healthy striving to be always positive. We're human, we feel different emotions for a reason and if we weren't scared/angry/hurt facing our own mortality, then you're denying yourself to be human. Life is a rollercoaster and our emotions are the carriage we ride in.
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